Barrister Ben Cook

La Sagrada Familia Calle Mallorca,

601 08713 Seville Spain.

Mobil: +34 631 093 714

Hello Dear Friend,

I will not hesitate to apologize for sending mail to you for the first time whereby you do not know me before, meanwhile I am Barrister Ben Cook a solicitor at law, a Lawyer from Seville Spain. I wish to introduce you to a business deal that would be beneficial to both of us, and which has to be kept confidential.

This deal is about a national of your country who died early last year with the wife and their two children on a motor accident leaving behind a huge sum of Inheritance fund 1,Million Euros without Next of kin.I am seeking for your consent to present you as next of kin to my late client since you are from the same country.

With your assistance and my professional advise we will get access to claim this fund without any hitch, meanwhile; I have agreed to give you 30% upon using you as the next of kin to my late client. I look forward to hear from you immediately. To show your interest in this transaction, please kindly reply to me and Send along your telephone number so that I can call you for further information and mode of execution.

Kind Regards.

Barr. Ben Cook

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