Skarga w sprawie procesu decyzyjnego odnośnie A2 do Komisji Europejskiej

In our region, in Lubuskie Voidvodship (called Lebus Palatinate in English) a motorway A2 is being built. The decision process took place not in front of the public opinion. People, such as our group, knew nothing. Documents were not published, meetings with inhabitants of the areas where the motorway would pass by, were not organised.

As far as I know, such decisiontaking is illegal according to EU rules. Such process should be open and unbiased. People should be able to make remarks, comments to the plans. I am now concerned how the investment that is about to take off very soon, will pass through areas of protected nature, such as the protected landscape park around the tiny town Łagów. I wonder, if the passagers for wild animals were properly located and are in sufficient quantity. In previous parts of the A2, they weren't.

There are many unanswered questions concerning this inwestment. Alas, I see and read in Polish press that European Commission agreed with Polish government to skip the whole democratic decisionmaking process because of Polish agreement to protect larger parts of the country as Nature 2000 areas. Such decisions are against the ideas of grass-roots democracy, they support the totalitarist version of state where not the people, but authorities decide. We have serious problems with our democracy, and state subsidies to large parties that deter competition from the smaller and newer parties. A democratisation is needed, and European Commission is acting against it.

How we, citizens of our region Lubuskie, should take part in it? I ask the Commission to take steps to:

- allow for democratic decisionmaking process in the case of A2 motorway in Lubuskie Voidvodship, conform with the EU rules

- put pressure on Polish government to change the current rules on decisionmaking of investments, that are contrary to EU law.


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